Show Jumping activities in the Shillelagh Pony Club varies from our youngest members jumping small crosspoles to our senior members jumping 1.20m.
Show jumping will take place at working rallies as well as show jumping training sessions and the club participates in a number of Show Jumping events as follows:
- Junior Show Jumping (Robbie Bailey)
- Intermediate Show Jumping
- John Ledingham Members
- Show Jumping Senior Individual.
Each area of the IPC runs an Area Qualifier to decide which branches will represent their Area at the championships. The teams placed first and second at the qualifier will go on to compete at the Championships.
IPC Showjumping Tack Sheet - IPC Showjumping Tack Sheet - Click here
IPC Showjumping Rule Book - IPC Showjumping Rule Book - Click here
U12, Alice Mernagh
This is a competition for members over 8 and under 12 on the 1st of January of the current year. All competitors must be of D+ test Standard.
All Ponies and horses are eligible if they are currently or have been in the previous year jumping with SJI at 90cm and under. Maximum height is 80cm.
Junior Showjumping (Robbie Bailey)
This competition is for riders Under 14 years old on 1st January of the competition year. They must also be C Test standard but must not have their C+ Test. Ponies must be 5 years or over. The jumps have a maximum height of 90cm.
The final for this competition is held at the Pony Club Festival. It is a team competition. There are four members on a team and the format for this competition can be found in the relevant section of the IPC Current Rule Book. To qualify for this competition a team must be placed first, second or third at their Area Qualifier.
This competition is for the Robbie Bailey Cup. This competition is named in honor of Robbie Bailey who was D.C. of the Laois Branch. He was wise and gracious, knowledgeable and modest man, and was a source of admiration to everyone who came into contact with him. He instilled in younger members, the art, skills and joys of horsemanship. He died in 1983. To ensure it remains a true Junior Competition, the age remains Under 14, whilst junior age is Under 15 for Horse Trials, Combined Training and Hunter Trials.
A Minimum of 8 fences will be used on the first round which will include a double. There must be a change of course for the second round which will have a double and a combination.

John Ledingham
This is a team competition for riders under the age of 21 on the 1st of January of the current year.Horses currently or in the previous year jumping at 1.10m or less with the SJI are eligible.
A pony jumping at 1.10m is eligible provided it has not qualified for the RDS in the current year and has not represented Ireland with the SJI abroad. Maximum fence height is 1m
Senior Team
The Senior Show Jumping Team is for a team of four riders who are over 12 years old and under 21 on the first of January of the current year.
All competitors must have passed their “C” test.
The winning team in this competition is eligible to compete at the UK Pony Club Championships.
Horses which are currently jumping at 1.20m and under are eligible. All ponies are eligible.